Thursday, December 11, 2008
Crystal clear....not
Well, I tried to blog yesterday, but it was an epic phail cuz my parents took off the modem...Sigh -.- So today Im gonna update quite a few stuff. At work, Im pretty depressed over stuff sometimes that it gets on my nerves. Yeah, Im the hot tempered but chill fast type of people these days. Cant help it lolz and when I got depressed I named a 2 teddies xD
That cute lil polar bear there is named Snow Chai by me roflmao and his bro which is waaay bigger is named Dai Snaow Chai(literally meaning big snow kid). Well, sorreh, I was just too depressed at that momment -.- Im ok now tho.
Well, there are some other pics that were taken out of boredom to ease the soul and mind...

Well I wanted to make motivational posters out of them but I guess it wuda been instulting abit...Feel free to use them for any motivational poster use ^^ Todays work is kinda chilling too, I met quite a few fun strangers and had a nice time talking to them lulz. Well, but sales is pretty low today >_>
Well...on top all of that, I need to ask an apology from Sheryl. Forgive me for being so...thick-headed you might say >.< Sorry, I dont understand people's feelings much. But dont take it personally yea...I didnt mean to, and dont think too much yea -.-
Well, thats it for now...Thanks for reading people ;D And good luck to Sheryl on her upcoming taekwondo exams ^^
posted @ 7:32 AM