Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Child at heart?? Or personality splits??
>.<>.< I do everything out of impulse...Dont ignore me plz T.T I always feel sorta left out these days I dont know why......Prolly its because of the ignoring I get sumtimes...
My childish personlaity is acting up again...and Sheryl's mood fluctuates so often that sometimes its scary to me >.<>.<
Jessie...miss you...so much...Well obviously Im not dying from this but still, it's been awhile seen I've visited you...My feelings for you are still attached, and I cant get over it even after 4 years....Ah, I guess thats my life -.- Well, I just hope Bee, Vic and dragon(iguana) are doin ok ^^
Im gonna find some purple xmas treez and gifz it to mah fwens~Its rly cool n sexy lul, I rly want it >.< Well, my kid personality is acting up and now so is my sadistic one(not much but still...) I'd better get to sleep soon...I'll post some pics some other time. Till then, thanks to the people reading this, and see you guys at Curve~
posted @ 7:40 AM